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Murano artistic glass PDF Stampa E-mail
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mercoledì 31 gennaio 2007
The most refined furnishing complements for every kind of house.
glass1 Modern Line
The objective of this collection is to renew the expression of the glass art of Murano in its forms and lines, but the techniques of execution remain traditional to the craft, where the glass is mouth-blow and worked by hand by the glassmasters.
The production is in limited editions.
glass7 Jewelry
Jewelry made in Murano glass has been re-discovered recently and is gaining widespread appreciation from the general public. This collection includes: rings, earrings, medallions and brooches. Simple articles which will always maintain the value and the fascination of Murano glass handcraftsmanship.

"Rigadino" Collection
A classic technique which exalts the form and the brilliance of the glass. Intended as decorating accessories, giftware or fine collectibles, the objects produced are executed completely by hand using traditional techniques.
The production is in limited editions.

glass10 Satin-finish glass
The unusual combination of cork and glass.
They show "Rigadino" glass worked together with "murrina" and gold, a wide variety of pens and inkwells, families of animals with goldleaf.
All the workmanship is done exclusively by hand using traditional techniques.
The production is in limited editions.
glass5 Clocks
A precious and original collection of Murano glass clocks, for your table. These clocks, which are in limited production, are made of carefully selected multicolor canes of glass. These canes of Murano glass are fused together and then cut and polished by hand.
The precise mechanism of the clocks is based on an industry standard of DIN 83<=1s/d.
< Prec.   Pros. >